Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Assemblywoman Jenne: Dairy crisis real; State needs to take action now

Assemblywoman Addie A.E. Jenne, D-Theresa, said a day spent at a dairy summit in Albany demonstrated her proposal to address the crisis facing farmers in New York State is in line with other plans being proposed across the country.

She spent Monday in Albany listening to farmers from the North Country and around the state, and from neighboring states and Canada, talk about possible solutions to the crisis impacting their bottom line.

Agri-Mark organized an open dairy meeting to discuss steps that can be taken to increase farm milk prices and net farm incomes.

The summit featured farmers, some travelling to Albany from as far away as California and Wisconsin, other policy makers and industry leaders discussing the dairy crisis and looking at solutions to save an important component of the North Country economy.

Assemblywoman Jenne is calling on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to reallocate funds from the state's economic development programs to support dairy farmers suffering from four years of low fluid milk prices that are well below the cost of production.

Her proposal calls for providing premium payments to farmers who produce high-quality milk when the price of fluid milk falls below $18 per hundredweight.

"I feel really good about where my proposal falls on the spectrum of the other proposals that were discussed at the summit today. There were other proposals shared by very credible organizations that were significantly more expensive. My proposal is as austere as possible and would achieve the results we need now," she said.

She said her proposal - much like the other proposals that were discussed Monday - sets a price floor and also addresses supply reductions and base excesses.

"It also addresses our oversupply problems as well as our global competitiveness," she noted. "I know it could be adopted very quickly in our state and that's why it was designed this way. But it's also extremely important that we have a larger federal solution."

Assemblywoman Jenne said the challenges facing the dairy industry are starting to be felt upstate.

"The first impact we are seeing is the ripple effect in our local economies. After months and months of milk checks that don't meet the cost of production, we are seeing farmers that don't have the cash flow to pay their feed suppliers, their fuel suppliers, their veterinarians, their nutritionists and their other suppliers. That ripples down as the suppliers of those services then struggle to pay their bills," she noted.

"It is a ripple effect that is holding back our upstate economy. It's the largest sector of the upstate economy so it is important that it stays healthy so everything else in our region can grow," the assemblywoman added.

She reiterated her call for the governor to allocate $100 million from the state's economic development fund to assist struggling farmers across the state.

"I've called on the Governor's office to completely revamp its economic development program, which is fraught with corruption allegations and convictions. We have neglected large sectors of our state's economy, like agriculture, to support private developers and private development," Assemblywoman Jenne charged.

"It's time to reshuffle the deck and develop a policy that really works for the people of New York State," she added.

Assemblywoman Jenne said it has not been easy convincing state leaders of the seriousness of the crisis facing the dairy industry.

"There has been a lack of awareness in state government about the seriousness of this situation. It's been difficult to get support for the program I have proposed," she admitted.

"I've actually been told by officials from the executive branch that no farmers have come down here telling us there is a problem so it must not be as bad as they say it is. Guess what. The farmers were in Albany by the hundreds on Monday saying there is a problem," the assemblywoman pointed out.

She noted that farmers who are struggling financially are caring for their animals and working their fields and are unable to make repeated trips to Albany to lobby for assistance.

"I was struck by the absurdity of the comments that were made to me. I knew I was dealing with people that had no understanding of the dairy industry. To think that farmers would be able to leave the work on their farms in droves shows that they’re out of touch with reality," she said.

"Agriculture is the cornerstone of the upstate economy, and its spinoff effects are huge. All the things I heard yesterday have only strengthened my resolve to get assistance for our farmers in New York State. I will continue fighting for them," Assemblywoman Jenne stressed.

The proposals being discussed at Monday's Dairy Summit are being posted this week at https://www.dairyproposals2018.com/view-proposals/



Assemblywoman Addie A.E. Jenne (l) visits with Jacqueline Klippenstein, senior vice president for Industry and Legislative Affairs for Dairy Farmers of America. DFA, based in Kansas City, represents more than 13,000 dairy farmer members and 42 plants nationwide making cheese, butter, ice cream, dairy ingredients, fluid milk and more under well-known, quality national and regional brands.


Assemblywoman Addie A.E. Jenne checks in with North Country farmers and dairy industry representatives Monday in Albany prior to the start of a Dairy Summit hosted by Agri-Mark. The summit attracted farmers and dairy industry representatives from Washongton, D.C., to California.Pictured with Assemblywoman Addie A.E.Jenne are (counter-clockwise): Dan O'Brien, Mike Sullivan, Joe Schutz, Bob Laisdell and Greg Milleck.